
Quite frankly, there’s a lot of nonsense talked about how to be present! What does it mean?

One of my favourite writers is Osho. He’s an old Indian guru who wrote something like 240 books.

He shares a story about being in the moment and about how to be present. 

It goes something like this ….

You are standing in your kitchen doing the dishes with your child or perhaps doing some other mundane thing that you have to be doing, but instead of noticing the little hands next to you and making eye contact and perhaps even having fun, splashing water, just clowning around and enjoying your child, you are focused on finishing the dishes … What’s worse is while we are washing the dishes, we are busy telling ourselves that when I’ve finished washing the dishes, I’m going to make a great cup of coffee. But when we finish the dishes and put our lips to that cup of coffee, we are already thinking about getting ready for work and being late or what I am going to wear!  

And so at every moment, we miss the moment – we miss our child, we miss the coffee and this goes on and on all day long! 

What mindfulness is about for us and what this program will be about, is helping you experience what happens when you are present to each moment of your life. 

If you think back to a time when you were really, really happy over a longer period of time, I guarantee you, you weren’t thinking about something else. You were here and now. 

We’re going to help you find that space again. 

If you are ready to start this journey of more empowerment  … we are excited to share some of the most practiced and researched tools to live with more awareness. More choices. More freedom. More joy. 

We look forward to sharing in your well-being.

The Details:

$97 +GST

When: 29 September and 06, 13 and 20 October 2021

Where: ZOOM

Start: 2pm (Perth) | 3:30pm (Adelaide) | 4pm (Sydney/Brisbane)

