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THE NUMBER 7 mistake managers make in recruiting for new sales people….

They start….before they are trained. It takes massive block time to train a new agent and get them up and running faster…..and it starts the day they do. Too much time wasted. Too long to get a return and their confidence is blown…and you lose a potentially great agent.

The path to getting into real estate is not a fast one. Quite often it is months before someone walks in the door of your office and then it can be weeks and weeks from there until they have their registration. We need to use this time even while they are still employed elsewhere, to get them started on scripts dialogues, strategies and the planning they need. Imagine them walking into your office and saying its all good I know what to do where can I work from. That is actually possible. Let me show you how.


Now this one is huge! The time that is lost because they walk in on day 1 with zero knowledge and zero idea what they need to do! This costs thousands and thousands of dollars to both them, and you as they need to learn how as they go. Part from that it is very disempowering and you run the risk of burning their confidence to the point there is no coming back so they leave. And in some cases, these are good people leaving!
The answer lies in an on line program called QuickStart. It is all the strategies scripts dialogues and just as importantly the plans, they need to have in place BEFORE they start with you..over 3000 sales aspirants have been through this program in 5 different countries! On top of the 100’s of videos thousands of pages f material the role plays the business plans, there is a mentoring option where you can have a startup coach work with your new agent to get them up and running faster. Click link below….. to see more about QuickStart…..only if this makes sense to you

How do I get them up and running faster?

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