Peter Gilchrist's Signature

Ultimate Management Workshop

If you want growth and profitability then you must take the time to strategise and work ON your business! This workshop is your ultimate solution!

What managers raved about!

A complete management system with practical strategies for growth PLUS ALL the templates and how to's to finally motivate your team to success, maximise profit and live your dream lifestyle!


Get 20% off the Full Price (Valid until 30 June 2025)

Discount applied automatically at checkout

Would you like to explore if Vault is for you? Book a call below with Peter. 

Secure your spot with payment in full or  with a deposit plus 3 month payment plan. 

Peter is a Master Coach with 40 years experience and shares every last secret he gives to his top clients, some of who are turning over $30 + mill in GCI! 

Keeping it simple and real!


A highly interactive workshop for businesses wanting effective, powerful, doable systems to go to the next level.

Your Vision

If you can't see it, it will not happen, but are you clear on what you really want and need?

Your Base

Get the foundations right and all else will flow! What is not quite right? What's missing?

Your Life

It’ simple ... What's is the point of all of this? What is important to you and are you living the life you want?

Your Marketing 

Lead generation is a massive key. Are you really keeping up with modern marketing?

Your People

Culture is critical in creating an attraction agency. How do you create that?

Your Numbers

Everything actually starts with the numbers. Come and let us show you the right numbers to play with.


Would you like to explore if Vault is for you? Book a call below with Peter. 

Secure your spot with payment in full or  with a deposit plus 3 month payment plan. 

"I have used Peter's services for over 15 years and have grown from a fledgling company to market leader in our area. Peter's coaching enables you to cut through the bulls**t and achieve great results in any market!"

Greg Gardener Summit Realty

"It was and is Peter's holistic approach to a deep integration in creating a successful business and life that makes it easy for me to call him the best coach in the business. Working with Peter has always resulted in huge value, from his functional, effective no nonsense strategies through to the development of self-awareness to improve personal performance. Whether it be 1:1 or at one of his industry leading seminars like VAULT, I couldn’t recommend working with Peter enough."

Mark Campbell - LJ Hooker

Work with others who want to gear up for the future with the best holistic management and growth coach in the industry.


  • You're a manager who wants to figure out, and then go for their ‘next’. 
  • You're a manager or business owner who knows you need to regroup for what is coming!
  • You have turnover, but not enough profit...
  • You are a selling manager and just cannot get to the next level of constructing a team that adds to your business.
  • You are a coach manager but want to get the business more structured so you can get to the ‘next’ for You and Your family.
  • You have a medium-large size business but the profitability is just not where it could be. 
  • You are a manager looking for systems and structure to grow.
  • You know there is a better way and want help to see it and implement it.
  • You know there is 2x or 3x the business out there but you haven’t been able to get to it because you cannot get out of the fog!
  • You have a brilliant business already but would love the systems to grow multiple offices.

I attended the Vault Management Course a few years ago.  It’s one of the best courses I have attended.  Practical learnings, with action plans in place to tackle your business head on and gear up for significant growth.  I highly recommend this to any Sales Manager, Business Owner and Leader who want to get more clarity on growing their business.

Spiro Drossos Barry Plant

"This 3 day course has given me an entire year’s worth of brilliant ideas.

I have attended Vault three times over the last 5 years and still take away absolute gold. Talking to like-minded business owners is so important for me and I find myself learning so much from the amazing residential businesses in attendance.   I'm actually dreading the day when commercial agencies cotton on to some of the stuff in this course.``

Dan O'Brien X Commercial.

The Market constantly moves through cycles, as does the needs of your business and Peter has seen it ALL ... many times over!  So he has all you need to avoid mistakes!

You get the coach that has always been ahead of his time and is constantly adapting before everyone else sees what’s coming!

He gets your Big Issues like ... ...

  • Job roles are very unclear in this business. (Directors included)
  • How do we change a partnership agreement that's not working?
  • My strategy for growth is just not clear.
  • I just want to list and sell!
  • I need strategies to work ON the business not IN IT.
  • Should I recruit to grow right now? How do I recruit?
  • How do I attract the right agents?  
  • How do I get more market share? 
  • How do I get to more profitability so I can do the things I want to do? 
  • This team is not delivering the results they are capable of. 
  • Who do I keep? Who do I move on?
  • How do I handle my top sales people?
  • How can I be a better coach for the whole team?
  • What training should I be doing right now?
  • How do we get called in more?
  • How do I get consistency around my monthly settlements? 
  • How do I get my team prospecting more? 
  • The tail is wagging the dog… how do I change all that?
  • I work hard, but everyone seems to get paid, BUT ME!
  • How do I get more done in a day? A queue forms outside my door at 8:30am and I'm still at work at 9:00pm trying to catch up!
  • My family deserves to get to enjoy the results of what I do, but the results are just not there!!!
  • Do I really need to get into digital? Where do I start?

All this changes... At This Ultimate Management Workshop!

Every minute you spend at this workshop is worth thousands or millions (in some cases) on your bottom line!


You can't afford NOT to take the time!

What's the cost of stagnating and not getting clarity?

Would you like to explore if Vault is for you? Book a call below with Peter. 

Secure your spot with payment in full or  with a deposit plus 3 month payment plan. 

Your Facilitator

Peter Gilchrist 


  • Peter Gilchrist has been in real estate since he was 21 years old. By the time he was 30 he had 5 real estate offices in NZ. He turned to strategizing and helping individual companies, multiple office groups and franchise groups grow their businesses, developing programs that he has presented to thousands.
  • Peter consults to CEO’s and management teams for some of the best franchises in the country. He has also been heavily involved with the mortgage broking industry selling the first franchise he was involved with to AMP in 2010. He is a shareholder and director of Nectar Mortgages who have over 140 brokers doing $2 Billion + in loans per annum.
  • Well known for his holistic no nonsense down to earth strategies for growth, his cut through style has led to many, many managers in the industry to make sweeping change and reap the benefits.
  • Balance is also at the core of Peters philosophy and thousands in 5 different countries have worked with him in the area of mindfulness, wellbeing and living your best life!

When last did you work ON your business
rather than IN it?

We realise how much commitment it takes to give up 3 days to attend this Ultimate Management Workshop.
So to sweeten the decision, which we know you'll value, we are also giving you the following:
  • Membership - 3 months membership of our Managers Coaching Cafe online Interactive Coaching Community… (Value $150)
  • Whiteboard Session - 15 minute personal whiteboard session (value $1000). So many managers have changed their entire structure and in some cases their lives with a legendary whiteboard session with Peter. So as part of this program he will ensure you get that session.
  • Caliper This selection and coaching tool will be a permanent part of your tool box after VAULT. So as part of the seminar attendance fee you will get a Caliper psychological profile free. (Value is $250+gst)
  • Values - A Values Profile looking at your current life values and how they may influence your business and relationships. (Value $150)
  • Next Top Agent Quick Start Training - And lastly you will have 1 Brand New Quick Start online new sales persons program to use in your office within 12 months. (Value $497+gst)


Not just the “what to do” but the actual “how to” of taking control of your business once and for all. The systems, the strategies, the detail, the mind shift, the
deconstruction and reconstruction of virtually every part of your business. Walk out ready to put it all in place with on going support. PLUS feel energised and excited
about it because its authentically YOURS!


Limited numbers is the way we like to do this, so spaces are limited. 

Dates: 3, 4, 5 September 2025

South Port Yacht Club, Gold Coast

$2,950.00 + GST

Would you like to explore if Vault is for you? Book a call below with Peter. 

Secure your spot with payment in full or  with a deposit plus 3 month payment plan. 

3 - 5 September 2025


AFTER THIS WORKSHOP you will be supported for 3 months in our Coaching Cafe for Managers Membership and Peter will take questions from participants for 90 days.


You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guaranteed.

Peter has been running this 3 day Management Seminar for 24 years now. It has evolved and become more and more detailed in the information it will make available to you, all the way from re-setting the company road map to how to run an effective 1 on 1. Some of the best in the business have been to this 3 days. Shane Smollen, Gary Peer, Ben Sehussen, Peter Mumford, Philip Webb, Spiro Drossos, Shane Colquhoun and many more of the best of the best. 

So we have no hesitation in saying... if you do not get you money’s worth. If you do not feel like this changes anything about your vision or does not give you enough detail to be able to put these programmes in place… see Peter and he will refund you immediately. No questions asked!


  • Who else should I bring with me?
    Many in the past have brought business partners, sales managers or executive assistants. The change will be profound so it helps to have someone else on the same page as you when it comes to implementation. Speak to us about the discounts. 
  • Why over 3 days?
    There is so much to do in the management of the modern real estate agency. You NEED to stop, sit strategically and figure out what is your next. Then you need the “how to” so you can actually implement what is required. It takes time to be present to the real issues and the real solutions. Peter has broken the work into logical modules. Make sure you are fully present for every session, with no interruptions, to get maximum benefit for you and your whole office.
  • I am new is it still appropriate for me?
    It is exactly what you need if you are starting out in this business.
    This Ultimate Management Workshop will leave you very clear on what you have to do, to succeed.
    And… you will know exactly HOW to do, just that.
  • Our company is only small. Is it the place for me?
    Owners who have been turning over 700k have attended this Ultimate Management Workshop and are now turning over 5mill!! That is correct, so whether you are at that level and want to grow….or whether you are at 5mill already and want to go to multiple offices and 10mill, then this Ultimate Management Workshop is the program for you.

Feel inspired and completely clear about what is next for your business!. 

Get real change happening the moment you leave this workshop. Peter recalls 2 mega managers actually leaving in the middle of the 3 days because they couldn't wait to implement these ideas. They came back the following year to finish it off.

Get your new vision.

 Get all the “how to’s” to get it done.

Want to speak to us?
Call 0455  222 776 | Email